Demolition Derby
Saturday 7:00 pm
By: Edge Motorsports
Gates: Driver free
Entry Fees: $50.00
Rules: Visit Edge Motorsports on Facebook or www.edgemotorsports.ca
Location: Grandstands
Powerwheels (ages 5 to 10)
Figure 8 (heats and feature)
Junk Run (vans, SUVs, small truck)
Stock Mini Smash/Compacts
Purse: Guaranteed $1,500 plus all entry fees added to purse ($3,000 payout based on 30 entries)
Prize money and trophies to top 3 competitors in each class.
First place prize only for best looking vehicle.
The Demolition Derby is promoted mainly as a spectator attraction. Safety is our main objective and all steps and precautions within reason have been taken to ensure the safety of the drivers and the spectators. Please help us to help you by obeying all track officials.
Beaverton Fire Department
W.J. Lambert & Sons - set up/take down, tow tractor
Township of Brock - Grader